Filter of draft/active product so it doesn't sync draft products from the Source Stores
in progress
Miryam Pinsonneault
I've been syncing products and realized that Syncio syncs all drafts from Source Store. On my Syncio dashboard, I don't have any way of seeing which products are drafts and which are not.
It is essential for us to have a filter for draft/active product status. As of now, our Boutique Partners have to point out which products are draft so it doesn't get displayed on our marketplace. It creates unnecessary work for them.
I need this feature asap, will help my team's productivity tremendously
Stephen Ashworth
I need the same feature.
Merged in a post:
Sync and import product status (Draft/Active)
Andrés Gómez
Take from source store if the product is active, draft or archived.
in progress